Trans in the City are thrilled to announce the launch of our Student Ambassador Scheme.

The Student Ambassador Scheme is designed to dismantle the barriers frequently encountered by trans, non-binary, and gender-diverse individuals over the age of 18, currently pursuing further education. It has been created from our extensive knowledge and experience within the corporate world, alongside insights collated from consultations with vital stakeholders, including students.

Trans, non-binary and gender-diverse students often face unique hurdles including bias, discrimination and a lack of understanding or accommodations for their identities. UCAS data also shows trans students are more likely to have lower attainment at school and higher rates of mental health conditions. The negative impacts of such experiences can reverberate into their professional lives; impeding their ability to fully engage and flourish in the workplace.

Our Student Ambassador Scheme is not merely a response; it's a proactive effort to rectify past harm, empower individuals and build bridges and meaningful connections between students and businesses for mutual benefit.

Executive Director of Trans in the City, Sarah Maslen (she/her) says; "This scheme is designed to bridge the gap between a diverse talent pipeline and forward-thinking organisations. Students, including apprentices, interns, and those in college or university, will benefit from a secure peer network, gain exclusive invitations to insight days at various businesses across multiple sectors, and receive early access to job opportunities and special events. Our partner organisations and sponsors will have the opportunity to engage with these exceptional individuals via a dedicated LinkedIn page, Discord server, and through various events. This initiative has the potential to be transformative, offering young adults the chance to thrive and achieve their career aspirations. We are proud to advocate for these students, amplify their voices and feel privileged to connect with such inspiring and talented young individuals and connect them to our sponsors and partners."

We are delighted to have worked with students from University of the Arts London to design our new Student Ambassador brand identity and to create the accompanying publicity materials. Sagar Bhat (he/him), who is currently pursuing a Masters in Interaction Design at London College of Communication UAL, designed the winning logo;

“As a proud ally, I believe in showing up and contributing by utilising one's skills and talents. Schemes like Trans in the City are important because they provide opportunities for fresh talent to flourish. I am glad to be part of crafting the identity for the ambassador program because it does more than just create a safe space—it cultivates a culture of community. These programs empower by fostering inclusivity and diversity and create a supportive environment where all students can thrive and succeed.”

The Student Ambassador Scheme works in partnership with Trans in the City’s Mentoring Scheme designed for those at the beginning of their careers such as those who have recently graduated or gained qualifications.

For more information about both schemes as well as how to get involved with Trans in the City please see:


Mr Fogg’s Pawnbrokers to raise funds for Trans in the City - Voluntary £1 to be added to every bill for Pride Month. 


International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Lesbophobia and Transphobia